Installing a new Discord version can solve a few problems. If you frequently experience this trouble then there are ways you can fix it. The most common reasons are graphics cards. When you use Discord you can often encounter black screen problems when you try streaming games. How to stream Netflix on Discord Without Black Screen? A box will open where you can choose which movie or tv show you want to watch.Once installed on your server, just type the command '/heynetflix'.

The Netflix Discord bot makes it easy to watch Netflix on Discord and even host a watch party with your closest friends! Netflix and Discord have teamed up to design and develop a bot called, "Hey Netflix." Once it's installed, it is easy to watch your favorite shows through Discord with anyone you wish! How to install the Netflix Discord Bot

How to watch Netflix with the Netflix Discord Bot You and your friends will now be able to view your streaming Netflix while also being able to communicate via voice, video and text.

Choose your desired resolution and frame rate, now click the Go Live button.To stream Netflix click on the Go Live icon (it’s right above your profile on the lower left).Add the Netflix “game” by clicking “Add it!” (see below).Navigate to Registered Games (it's under the ACTIVITY SETTINGS on the left hand side menu).Select User Settings (it’s the cog icon at the bottom right, beside your username).Join an existing Discord server or create your own.